Thursday, January 15, 2015

Interesting German Words for Psychological Concepts

Interesting German Words for
Psychological Concepts

(some things just sound cooler in German)

aberglaube - superstition
alpdrücken - nightmare
anstrengung - mental effort
beachtungswahn - delusion of being noticed
beruhigendes gefühl - quiescent feeling, very long way to say resting
beschwörung - exorcism
bewusstheit - 'thought' as a mental element
blickfeld - field of regard
blickpunkt - point of regard
dressurmethode - method of training, drill
ebenmerklich - just noticeable, liminal
eifersuchtswahn - delusion of jealousy
fratzentraum - a form of 'fear' dream
freisteigende - spontaneous (idea)
fühlersprache - language of the antennae
tagtraum - day dream
tanzmaus - dancing mouse (or party animal)
traum - dream
traumerei - revery
wunschtraum - wish dream