Sunday, February 19, 2017

Art Matters, Knowledge Matters, Truth Matters

Everything Matters

My remaining hopes for the decency and morality of certain members of the government have been crushed. I'm fortunate to have two good senators in Washington representing me (yes, Democrats), my representative in the House has been less impressive (yes, Republican).

I'm fortunate to have found where they list the upcoming elections in need of support. I have my Congressional representatives information. I have my voice.

I woke up to find certain things under assault.

Public Broadcasting
Net Neutrality
The News

How are these under attack? How are these so offensive and terrible to the Republicans operatives in Congress? How is there money for [insert disgusting hypocrisy here] but not science?

Yes, I know this is not new. That doesn't ease my irritation, anger, disgust. This is an assault on our lives, our culture and our futures.

This is going to get into a conspiracy theory place but I realized last night it's disruption of an industry. The goal of these actions are not to make this country great, it's to tear down everything here and rebuild it in a totalitarian image. Politicians think they're dealing with a immoral politician and immoral politicians are okay with that. They're not. The rules are different. They're dealing with immoral people with no loyalty to the people of this country.

It's an attack. Be prepared for set backs. Keep working, keep speaking out, keep calling, keep demanding. Our rights and freedoms are not disposable. Hold them to all that "Of the people, by the people, for the people" crap.

It may be a long time before I can be truly proud of my country as a whole again but I dream of that day. I dream of a day when my country lives up to its promise.

When they lie, speak the truth. Where you see ignorance, spread knowledge. When tell you to stop talking, don't listen. Do not submit.

Letter to Congress

Dear Congress,

I promise if they are taken away, I won't let it go. I will work to bring them back. I will also work to help to ensure every single representative that voted to take them away is replaced.

Doubt my resolve? Doubt my voice?

That's fine.

You will lose.


Friday, February 10, 2017

I, Writer: A List of Science Videos

I, Writer: A List of Fun Science Shows

Start with the library and wander through the stacks. You'll find fantastic things.

Science Videos

3Blue1Brown - Makes complex math interesting and accessible.

ASAP Science - Easily understandable explanations of interesting subjects from chickens to Marijuana. I love the white board style.

BBC Science Club (Directed by: Asa Lucander) - Well-done animation always gets extra points from me every time especially if it serves to illustrate the topics well.

The Brain Scoop - Presented by The Field Museum. Warning to the squeamish. There are episodes on dissection. I am squeamish. The channel is fantastic covering a broad range of subjects from experts. It's fun to see people who love their professions explain them. There is so much to learn here.

Computerphile - Professor Brailsford is personally my favorite presenter on the channel but all videos are informative and interesting.

How to Cook That - I have a strong affection for cooking shows. I could easily write a list of them. This show features more cooking than Emmy. I note it here because of the experimental aspect to many recipes. Ann Reardon experiments to make sugar bowls, jelly beans and Aero bars to name a few. Her willingness to show what methods failed impressed me.

Ling Space - An education in linguistics.

MinuteEarth - Similar concept as ASAP Science but with a focus on Earth.

MinutePhysics - Similar concept as ASAP Science but with a focus on physics. Fantastic video: The True Science of Parallel Universes

National Geographic - National Geographic covers a multitude of topics. This is just one in a network of 45 channels. The videos are top quality and interesting.

SciShow - Topics to inform and ignite your curiosity for more. Many subjects are covered like lying and volcanoes.

SciShow Space - Like SciShow with a focus on space.

Sick Science! - Well-produced videos of simple but flashy experiments. Steve Spangler's website features deeper explanations of the experiments. He has a show on Saturday morning on Fox.


A video, book, or really any resource shouldn't be the end of your search. It's a view on a subject. Search, learn, ask questions, challenge authority, think critically. Open your mind and let amazing ideas in.

Learning and growing is a moral imperative.

Thursday, February 2, 2017

Confusions of a Nutzy Spy - Toonstalgia

Confusions of a Nutzy Spy

"We Creep while You Sleep"

I searched for a spy cartoon. I found "Confusions of a Nutzy Spy" and realized I was accidentally watching another Nazi-themed cartoon (dammit). But the bad guy got his in the end. Yay! Happy ending. I didn't want to write about it so I decided to do a work of art.

The stand out section of the cartoon is the gags at the beginning. My favorite is the noose in a medicine bottle with the label...

"Sure Cure for Criminal Tendencies
Apply With a Jerk" 

I was inspired by the visual jokes of the beginning to create visual representations of crimes and law. I'm still newish at pixel art but I'm getting better (I hope). I did have to stretch the theme to fill all the letters but overall I'm happy with the result.

ABCs of Crime

A is for anarchy
B is for brass knuckles, blackjack
C is for cop
D is for drugs
E is for explosion
F is for fingerprint
G is for gun
H is for handcuffs
I is for incendiary device
J is for justice
K is for knife
L is for locked
M is for magnify glass
N is for noose
O is for observation
P is for poison, pool of blood
Q is for questioning
R is for ransom note
S is for ski mask
T is for toe tag
U is for uzi
V is for victim
W is for wanted sign
X is for axe
Y is for yaw
Z is for A to Z