Saturday, November 4, 2017

#Drawlloween Lessons

Lessons Learned from #Draloween

I participated in Mab Grave's drawlloween this year. I feel a great satisfaction in saying I finished it. I did every prompt on the day they were prompted.

I drew Beetlejuice, the Brain, cat, a devil, Rowan and so much more.

First best lesson, find an idea and commit to it.

Don't be afraid to start over. This doesn't contradict lesson one. Commit to the first idea but if you don't like the outcome, start a new one.

This isn't about competition with anyone. It's not competing with yourself or the other artists. It's about trying new things and having fun. That sums up why I love creating art so much. The only goal is to create.

If you want to see more of #mabsdrawlloweenclub, check out the hashtag on instagram. The other participants were such an inspiration. If you want want to see what else I came up with, my instagram's @surrealkit.

Happy Belated Drawlloween