Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Develop Your Discipline With Simple Exercises

Developing Discipline

The aim of developing discipline is to foster positive traits within yourself. This is achieved through time and effort. Don't expect it to happen overnight.

But you've already taken the first step. Now all you have to do is keep going. Don't stop. Don't give up. You'll get there.

Some Qualities of a Disciplined Person


Establish a Routine

Set a Goal

I set myself the goal of getting into shape. To achieve my goal, I needed to exercise and I needed to do it regularly. I needed to change my habits by eliminating bad ones and developing good ones.

Once I decided that I wanted to make this change, I started exercising immediately. I did not delay a minute. I got to work.  I didn't do much the first day but I started. After setting a goal, the most important thing is to start working towards that goal.

Train to Succeed

I had to train my body. I also had to train myself to stick to my training routine. I had to train myself to ignore the discouraging voice and focus.

I exercise every night. When I started on this path, I stumbled and I slacked off. But I let my failures push me to work harder to succeed.


I committed to my goal. I recommitted over and over. I took action in service of my goal. I found tools that helped me.

I created a log in a spreadsheet to keep track. Each day, I see what I accomplished the previous day. I push myself to build on successes and make up for failures. As much as I've committed to exercising, I've also committed to filling out my log every day. I've tried other methods like setting a schedule of when I would exercise and for how long or using an app. But those methods weren't right for me so I dropped them.

Level Up

Life is like a computer game, only no reset. There are levels and little rewards to gather along the way. Each victory opens the door to new challenges. After I started cutting out bad foods, I had the challenge of incorporating healthy foods into my diet.

There are always opportunities to gain little rewards. In Lego Batman, there are studs. A single stud is not much much but they add up to great rewards. You just need to take the time to collect them.

Set limitations

In addition to goals to achieve, consider setting personal limitations. These small sacrifices can be the keys to achieving the greatest rewards. Limitations are commitments. You are committing to not do something.

I set a limitation, I cut out deserts. At first this felt like a great sacrifice but it wasn't. I  knew I would feel better without the junk in my life. Deserts were just a deeply ingrained habit that I had spent years reinforcing. I would walk down the candy and cookie aisle in the supermarket and feel a craving. I felt ridiculous and weak but I wasn't weak. I honored the commitment I had made. In time the craving went away. I have never regretted my choice.


Be the Mission

I wanted to be in shape. I didn't have a number, I had a feeling. When I was out of shape, I didn't feel like myself. I was really sick and tired of not liking how I felt. I desperately wanted to feel like myself. I did the work and now I feel more myself than I ever did before.

Bonus Level

Create a new mission. Set new goals and commit to them. Decide the destination you want to reach and take the steps.

So, I'm still working on discipline. I have accomplished many goals since getting into shape but I have so many more goals to reach.

For me, my mission has never been about transforming into someone new. It's always been about being and becoming more myself.

Develop a Good Habit

To reach my goal, I committed to exercise daily. After that, I made new commitments and stuck to them.

Start with a light exercise to create a good habit. Pick one good thing you can do. Commit and make time to do it. By creating one good habit and sticking to it, you have proven that you are a disciplined person. That is what disciplined people do.

Ideas for Habits

  1. Pick up pennies (You could imagine you're playing Super Mario Brothers)
  2. Make your bed every morning
  3. Write a 1000 words per day
  4. Do the dishes every night (It's nice waking to a clean kitchen)
  5. Study any subject for 30 minutes per night
  6. Read one chapter of a book a day

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