Sunday, April 23, 2017

Artistic License: Make Art a Habit

Some Keys to Cultivating the Art Habit

Want to get better at art? Simple, do it everyday. But there's a mental game too. Figure out what's holding you back and how you can push yourself forward.


Life is messy, time consuming and exhausting. The greatest barrier is usually the person residing inside your head. That vicious little voice telling you you aren't good enough. Maybe that voice will never go away but you don't need to listen. Practice not listening.

Another barrier from life is time. Figure out how much time you have to do the work. Maybe you just have little scraps of time or maybe your sacrificing sleep to practice. You need to decide what you're willing to do.


Time to touch on the spiritual aspect. I believe we can and are meant to transform ourselves. Everyday we learn, experience, grow and change. Maybe a year ago you weren't ready to change. That doesn't matter. The things that have happened in the mean time brought you to this point made you ready.

Out of Practice

I've been out of practice. Right now, my practices feel the first steps of a drunk baby giraffe. I stumble and struggle and my hands feel like they're broken. Push through the struggle and get to work.

Have a Goal

The goal is important but the steps are more important. It's easy to get lost unless you have specific steps towards achieving that goal.

In my case, I have a list of long term goals, short term goals and immediate projects. I know I need to finish my immediate projects before I can move on to new projects to serve my short term goals. This is all very overwhelming but the projects help because each one is a sign of progress.

What have you done to reach your goal?

Did you practice drawing? Did you take a lesson? Did you study? Did you read a book? No? Do something now? What can you do to make your goals easier to reach? What are you ready to risk and sacrifice to get your dreams?

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