Saturday, December 14, 2019

Bloody Chocolate Chip Cookies

Bloody Ganache Filled Chocolate Chip Cookies

There's one recipe I can make from memory. Chocolate Chip Cookies. Everything else I check to make sure I'm not forgetting anything, even box cakes and I never follow the instructions I check. I've made them a million times and I know exactly how they should look at every stage.

My ideal chocolate chip cookie has a good crumb and is just slightly under done. Actually my ideal is the dough but when baked I like them soft.

Chocolate Chip Cookies is such a common recipe that it's not worth repeating here. Especially since there's usually a recipe on the chocolate chip bag.

Today's Variation

- Extra egg
- Almond extract
- Bloody filling

This was such a superficial desire. I just wanted cookies that looked a little bloody inside because the idea amused me (and I've been a little fixated on vampires lately for reasons I can't explain).

White Chocolate Ganache (Or the Bloody Filling)

2.5 ounces liquid
- 2 ounces Milk
- Red Food Coloring
- Vanilla
- dash of salt
5 ounces white chocolate chips
1 Tablespoon butter

The quantities are so low that the food coloring and any flavor augmentation can throw off the proportions. Because of the quantities and the fact that milk is not heavy cream, the resulting ganache never fully sets. This adds to the bloody look of the cookies with the insides coming out during baking.

If you want the ganache to stay completely hidden then make a thicker ganache. But like I said, I wanted bloody cookies. So for a thicker ganache, swap the milk for heavy cream.

Step 1: Microwave the milk, food coloring, salt and vanilla in 15 second intervals until the temperature reaches around 200 to 210 Fahrenheit. You don't need it to boil or want it to. The goal is to melt white chocolate chips and they melt easily. Keep the container covered with a piece of paper towel to protect your microwave from the food coloring through out this entire process.

Step 2: Pour the heated mixture over the chips. Leave it to sit for a couple minutes then stir until the ganache is perfectly smooth.

Step 3: Add the butter and stir until it melts.

Step 4: Pour the ganache into a glass casserole dish. I find the square Pyrex containers to be perfect for this (plus they have a lid). The only goal is to have the ganache even and flat. Put it in the fridge overnight.

Bloody Chocolate Chip Cookies

Any Reliable Chocolate Chip Cookie dough
Dyed White Chocolate Ganache

Step 5: Deposit a scoop of dough on the cookie sheet and put your thumb into the dough to make a hole with high sides. Fill with hole with the ganache. Cover carefully with more dough.

Step 6: Bake. The cookies may leak but just keep an eye on it. Turn on your fan if your worried about the leaked ganache burning on the pan and setting off your smoke alarm. It's going to be fine even if it looks tragic because that's kind of the point.

Step 7: Remove from pan immediately, especially if it leaked.

Have fun. Be creepy.

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