Sunday, January 31, 2021

The Off-Beats - Your Shoes Are Untied - Toonstalgia

The Off-Beats - Your Shoes Are Untied


The Populars tell the Misfits their shoes are untied.


I love all of these shorts. I wouldn't bother overthinking them so much if I didn't hold a deep affection for them. I love the Off-Beat's sense of self.

This is the first short to feature all of the main recurring characters including the Populars, the Off-Beats (or Misfits) and Grubby Goo. 

The simple style of the shorts reminds me of a daily comic strip. The characters are each distinct. The character designer made careful choices like giving August and his dog September the same philtrum (the line between the nose and mouth). The backgrounds are vacant aside from an attractive pattern that may or may not reference a specific setting.

An Overly Long Synopsis (Seriously, it doesn't need to be this long)

The Populars decide to prank the Off-Beats by telling them their shoes are untied and flicking their nose. Tina, the Leader, tells Betty Anne Bongo her shoes are untied. Betty Ann tells them she has them untied on purpose. Next, the Populars target August. August knows his shoes can't be untied because his shoe tier guarantees eight hours of wear. September doesn't wear shoes because he's a dog. The Populars then tell Tommy his shoes are untied. His tells them to leave his shoes alone. One of the Populars acknowledges the prank's not working so they throw him out (as they did in My Dog can talk). The last target is Repunzil. She believes them and they flick her nose (apparently not the first time). Grubby Goo elaborately ties her shoes, even incorporating some of her hair. The Populars try again. This time Repunzil's shoe laces flick them.

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