Monday, July 19, 2021

A Pup Named Scooby-Doo - S02E05 - Night of the Living Burger - Toonstalgia

A Pup Named Scooby-Doo - Night of the Living Burger - Toonstalgia

Season 2, Episode 5

Premiered October 14, 1989


The gang is hired by O'Greazy to unmask a burger monster.

Thoughts, Details, Recap

Daphne gives the voice over opening narration. The gang is having a sleepover at Shaggy and Scooby's to watch Count Shockula. While watching television, they witness a robbery and a burger monster pops out of the television nine years before Sadako. Although I'm sure someone else predated this episode of A Pup Named Scooby-Doo, it's the first thing I thought of.

Mr. O'Greazy, a fast food entrepreneur that puts stuff in buckets, comes to the Scooby-Doo Detective Agency for help with the burge monster. Count Shockula, the star of the show they meant to watch, demands O'Greazy deal with the monster. They investigate the restaurant and the giant talking burger while Shaggy and Scooby bicker. At the restaurant, they meet Skippy Johnson, a longtime employee. A Bucket O'Clues at the restaurant leads them to Barney, a burger cart operator. Barney was run out of business by O'Greazy.

Many episodes include special announcement breaks like a newscaster breaking into the program to announce breaking story. I have mixed feeling about these. They are cute gags but they don't completely work for me since the announcer is commenting on the action of the story like "What you're about to see...". It works better if the newscaster is making a report and acting separately from the story.

Scooby and Shaggy reconcile when Shaggy is abducted by the burger monster. Fred is especially wrong this time since Red Herring loves the restaurant and is eating there while they wrap up the mystery. Skippy Johnson did it and spent the episode framing Shockula.

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