Monday, February 22, 2021

Archie's Weird Mysteries - The Jughead Incident - Toonstalgia

Archie's Weird Mysteries - The Jughead Incident


Real Quick

Agents from a shadowy government agency arrive in Riverdale looking for extraterrestrials.

Thoughts and Details

The Simpsons did it. Stan Against Evil did it. Unhappily Ever After did it (a deep cut from my childhood that was intentionally crude at the time and the humor has aged even worse). The Obligatory X-Files episode. 

A pair of government agents, a lady with red hair and a man with dark hair, who work on strange cases are cartoon shorthand for Mulder and Scully that appears in many shows. The Simpsons did it best

Also another, "Jughead is the weirdest thing in town" episode. Jughead is easily one of the most likable characters on the show. He's kind, accepting and genuine. He also doesn't get multiple plots requiring him to be a spontaneous prior to the supernatural shenanigans. The show plays up Veronica's selfishness and entitlement frequently, Betty is nice, Reggie is Reggie, Archie's well balanced but he has a few negative traits for the sake of the plot. This could be a result of Jughead's characterization as "weird" but the effect is the same. He's just him and I personally adore that. 

The Joke that Saved the World

"How many pancakes can you fit into a doghouse if your mother is a washing machine and your father is a dryer?"

"None. Doghouses can't fly."

Presenting Tonight's Monster

Not Applicable. Technically, there's an extraterrestrial and secret agents but they're more narrowminded than monstrous. I mean, one of them wants to destroy Earth but he's not that committed to the endeavor.

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