Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Booba S01E02 Bathroom - Toonstalgia

Cartoons with the Nephews

Real Quick

"Booba finds stuff in the bathroom." Dr. Texas

Dr. Texas Rating


"From that ring, I know there could be a couple living in that house." Dr. Texas

Thoughts and Details

Eyebrow Watch - His eye brows still float separately from his body. The coloring is similar to his body making it look like they're furry flesh.

My younger nephew announced early in the episode that he loved the vacuum. I thought he was talking about the previous episode until the last two seconds of the episode.

I realized during this episode how difficult maintaining my format (including an overly detailed plot synopsis) would be with something with no real plot beyond gremlin thing makes a mess and very little causal connection between his actions beyond he does this thing then he does that thing. Anyway, onto the...

Way Too Detailed Synopsis

It opens with Booba stumbling in the dark with a spy film inspired theme. He runs into the light switch and turns on the light to reveal he's in a bathroom.  He's scared by his reflection. He runs into a waste basket and some kind of hair thing pops out and lands on his head. He makes music with a toilet brush, toilet lid and trash can lid. Booba breaks into a dance to nondiegetic music. He jumps onto the shower curtain then falls into the tub. Toiletries fall on his head. They smell good so he takes a taste. He's disgusted by the flavor and spews bubbles. He accidentally turns on the water to a scalding temperature and burns his tongue. He flies across the room into a cabinet of toilet paper. He walks around covered in toilet paper and scares himself. He flies into the sink. He notices a pink diamond ring sitting next to the faucet. He takes a taste then drops it down the drain. Booba attempts to retrieve the ring with his tail. He gets the ring but a crocodile also follows. He escapes the crocodile and crawls away. Booba finds a standard vacuum. The scene cuts to him riding the vacuum in front of the moon.

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