Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Scooby-Doo! And Guess Who? - S01E18 - The New York Underground! - Toonstalgia

Scooby-Doo! And Guess Who? - The New York Underground!

Season 1, Episode 18

Premiered July 2, 2020


The gang pursues a mystery and an alligator monster underground in New York City.

Thoughts, Details and Recap

The gang is in New York for a poetry slam. Scooby-Doo has entered Shaggy into the poetry slam and exposed his private poetry. He's pitted against Halsey. Shaggy is petrified. Lucky for him, an alligator monster attacks. Halsey jumps on the alligator monster, embracing the trope of the guest star being overconfident and fearless. I tend to find the fearful guests funnier. The alligator steals a key to the city.

They make a copy of the key from an impression left in one of Scooby's blintzes. The key leads them to the underground. There are poetry detours. There's a secret keyhole, an alligator attack and structural damage when the roof of the tunnel collapses.

Halsey brings them to an underground library and the knowledge keeper. She tells them about J. Jacob Ascot and informs them that his diaries were stolen from her collection. J. Jacob Ascot had a secret train station and car with a safe.

They are chased through the sewer. They reclaim the diaries and get the next clue (music in the diary). The clue leads them to the train car.

They catch and unmask the gator monster. It's the poetry slam promoter. He wanted the treasure. The treasure is a poem.

It's a fine episode. It's not a particularly funny episode.

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