Thursday, April 8, 2021

How to make a Worry Doll

How I Make Worry Dolls

This is just one method.  I apologize for not having specific measurements for the things like string but I never use the same amount of string twice. The worry dolls are made from materials I have laying around the house. The only thing I bought for the project was a bottle of glue because I ran out after making a bunch. I tried other glues and nothing dried as clear or held as well as the Gorilla glue. Even other Gorilla glues failed me.


Twist ties - Just save them when they turn up.

Glue - Gorilla School Glue works the best.

Embroidery floss - Any colors you have on hand but if you buy one color, I recommend white. If you buy many, every embroidery floss I've used has worked. The plastic or metallic ones can behave erratically and unsatisfactorily but they always do.

Optional - Paint, Markers


1. Fold the twist tie in half. Twist the folded end around two times to make a circle. Fold each end into thirds. The first fold makes the arm, the second fold makes the leg. So 2/3rds is the arm and 1/3 is the leg. The aim is a twist tie stick figure.

2. Optional, if adding hair, knot the embroidery thread around the head loop then knot a second time to secure it. Use as much length as you need to be able to handle it easily. You can give him a hair cut when he's finished.

3. Knot the end of a fairly long piece of embroidery thread around the head loop. You need as much as you need to be satisfied with his look.

4. Start by wrapping the thread around the head loop, then keep wrapping down the body. Use the glue liberally. Smooth it over the thread. You'll have to hold the thread in place until it's dry. I find that I add four or five dabs of glue then I add more if needed after the wrapping is completed.

5. Crossover the chest with the thread. Wrap over the arms to cover about 1/2 to 3/4s. You can go all the way if you're patient and careful but I personally find it frustrating and unnecessary. Wrap around the torso once and move onto the legs. Again, I don't worry about covering the tip. It's a worry doll, don't worry about it. Wrap the legs twice. Once going down and the second time going up. It's best to end the thread on the torso because it's easier to hide the end. Add some more glue and give it a little time to dry.

6. When the worry doll stays together on its own, cut off the excess and smooth the free end of the thread with glue.

7. Optional, paint the hands and feet with a corresponding color. This is a place where using white thread helps because it's easier to match.

8. Optional, add some details like eyes.

9. Optional, cut his hair.

How to make it Beetlejuice (Or anyone else)

I made him with some old ivory plastic thread, white thread and markers. I took cues from the Animated Beetlejuice. The key is picking a graphically unique character with specific colors that means something to you. Drop Dead Fred was one of my favorites to make (orange and green with a white thread base). Cookie monster was also fun. I used a fancy thread I had bought on a whim and two white beads with black paint.

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