Thursday, April 22, 2021

Scooby-Doo, Where Are You! - Spooky Space Kook - Toonstalgia

Scooby-Doo, Where Are You! - Spooky Space Kook

Season 1, Episode 15

Premiered December 20, 1969


An outer space ghost stalks the gang on an old air field.


The Spooky Space Kook is one of the best guys. The episode's fine aside from him but he makes it great.

Too Much Detail Recap

The gang runs out of gas near an old farm house. They go to the farm house for help. The owner yells at them to get off his property. He threatens them with a shotgun. He thinks they are reporters investigating a ghostly craft that keeps appearing. They clarify that they just ran out of gas. He explains his situation. They quickly start finding clues including a set of glowing footprints.

The farmer gives them gas. They go to search for the ghost craft and spot it quickly. When they follow the craft, they come to a gate and glowing footprints leading to an abandon air field. They follow the tracks into a generator shack.

Shaggy and Scooby are having a snack when they are confronted by the outer space ghost. Velma, Fred and Daphne investigate a machine shop. The machine shop shows signs of recent activity. Fred is lifted into the air by a hook. Velma and Daphne get Shaggy and Scooby to help them get Fred down.

They ask Shaggy to describe the ghost and Velma says that his description was pretty vague. How could he be vague describing a space suit with a glowing laughing skull face? (I think this is a result of the character design process where the writers and voice actors might have not actually known) Before he can describe the ghost, they all see the ghost and flee.

Shaggy and Scooby find their way to the mess hall. Their scavenging pays off when Shaggy realizes it's strange for a space ghost to have chicken and ham. Velma, Fred and Daphne find a recent newspaper with glowing fingerprints.

Scooby smells gasoline on a wreck of a car. The gang take a closer look and see the car was carefully made to looked broken down. The outer space ghost reappears. Shaggy and Scooby flee into a control tower. They find equipment in the tower. The outer space ghost pursues them into the tower. Shaggy and Scooby parachute down.

The farmer and a police officer find them. The farmer called the police out of concern for them.

The outer space ghost flees into a wind tunnel. They turn it on. The ghost is revealed to be Henry Bascombe, the farmer's neighbor. He found out the Air Force would reopen the air field and was using the ghost to drive the farmer out so he could buy his land cheap.

Rogue's Gallery

The Outer Space Ghost

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